Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little Knowledge is dangerous !!!

[ Crossposted from Tell A Short Story ]
Sudha was sitting in sun and watching her son, Ganesh playing with his ball. She remembered the day when she came home with new born Ganesh. Ganesh is five years old now but that day is still very fresh in her mind. It appeared as if it all happened yesterday only.  His innocent mind is opening to the world. He has number of questions for everybody on everything.  Sudha has to answer her every question wisely and patiently.

The other day Sudha called Ganesh to have his breakfast. Sudha had prepared his favourite parathas that day After parathas she gave a glass of milk to him. BHe refused and said "Mother, why do you give me milk everyday, I donot like it." Sudha tried to insist "No Ganesh, you have to drink milk." Ganesh said "Mother, I donot like milk so why should I drink it ?" Mother understood that she needed to convince Ganesh thoroughly to drink milk. Sudha said "Milk is very necessary for our fitness, it makes us healthy, strong and helps grow fast. See, everybody in the house takes it so you should also drink milk and become hale and hearty." Ganesh quickly picked up the glass and finished the milk.

One fine morning Sudha came inside from garden and called to her husband. She said to him "The rose sticks which were planted last month, inspite of lot of care they are not growing up well. Today I saw ants moving around the plants. It seems they are eating up roots, and thus plants are not growing." She added  "I am totally clueless why ants are eating up plants? I see no reason for this. Do you have any idea why it could be happening."

The moment Ganesh heard some discussion regarding the plants, he came running to his mother. He loved plants a lot. He asked his mother what happened to the plants. Mother said "Son. donot know why are the plants dying?"  Hearing this, Ganesh bursted to tears. He muttered "How can they die? I took so much care to them, I gave them milk everyday so that they could become healthy and grow fast."  Now Sudha had understood what actually happened.

She calmed down Ganesh and gave him a candy to eat.  She said "Son, milk is for us.Plants donot drink milk because of the milk you put in them ants are coming to them and they are dying." Ganesh nodded, now he understood what went wrong. He said to his mother "Mother, please forgive me I will not do this again. "  Sudha replied "Don't worry son, I shall get new plants, but make it rule to discuss and ask things to your elders if you are aware."  Ganesh said "Yes Mom, I will always do so." He kissed his mother and went outside to play.



Tuesday, May 17, 2011


[ Crossposted from Tell A Short Story ]
Hanna and Panna were two cows, who stayed in the neighborhood. Panna was shiny white skinned whereas Hanna had a patchy rough brown skin. A beautiful skin made Panna very proud of its looks and he looked-down other animals. They used to roam and  graze together but could never become good frineds because of Hanna's haughtiness.

Spring was in and it was beautiful all around. Trees were laden with shiny leaves and pastures were filled with lush green grass.  Hanna and Panna were grazing in a field and enjoying the sunshine. Just then Hanna said to Panna "Look Panna, what beautiful tomatoes in that field ! Must be very tasty. Should we go and taste some."  Panna looked at them and those tomatoes looked really yummy. Then he thought for a while and said "True Hanna, tomatoes look really tasty, but we can not go to that field, it is a guarded field and if somebody sees us, we can be in trouble."  Hearing this Hanna became very angry and said " You stupid fellow, you are always scared of the things. I should not have asked you at all. I will go alone and eat those tasty tomatoes."  Panna felt little sad but then he joined him.

They entered the farm and started eating tomatoes which were really delicious.Only a few minutes were gone, Panna heard someone's foot steps and he said to Hanna "I hear somebody coming , now we should run away."  But Hanna did not pay any heed to him and carried on eating . Panna quickly hid himself in the bushes. When the person came closer, Hanna could hear the footsteps and thought Panna was surely right. And he started to look for thick bush to hide himself.  He could not hide himself properly in hurry.

When people came near the bushes, they noticed some thing white colored in the bushes. One of them hit hard in the bushes with a think stick. It came very hard on Hanna, and it came out if bushes grieving in pain. The moment he came out of bushes all the men started beating him with a sticks. I ran as fast as he could. They chased him till the end of the farm. While men were busy chasing Hanna, Panna took the opportunity and quietly ran from the farm in other direction.

Today Hanna had paid hard for his haughtiness, he said Panna to forgive him and promised never to behave badly with anyone.










Thursday, May 12, 2011

Half Pencil

[ Crossposted from Tell A Short Story ]
There was full attendance in the examination hall and students were sitting at their respective seats which name slips pasted on it. The atmosphere was quite serious and prevailed a complete silence . Only few minutes were left for the examination paper distribution. Examiner was getting settled with the question papers , blank sheets and attendance sheet for the room.

Sharp at nine o'clock question papers and answer sheets were distributed to the students. Students grabbed the question paper and started going through it. In few minutes students got busy in writing their answersheets except one.

Aaditya became very tensed, when he discovered that he forgot his pencils on the study table at home where he kept them after sharpening.He became very nervous and felt like crying. He raised his hand and told examiner that he forgot his pencils at home. At first, the examiner started scolding him for not being serious for examinations. Then He tried to check with the students closeby if somebody had an extra pencil. But everybody seemed to be too busy to respond and simply nodded as no. Purav, promptly opened his kit and took out a half pencil from it. Purav always used to cut his pencil in two halves, so that he can have a spare pencil with him. He gave the half pencil to Aaditya to write the paper.

Purav was a quite and silent boy by nature but was very good at studies.  He came from a farmer's family. But he knew very well to manage in his limited resources. That was a very big reason why his father could sustain his education in a reputed school.  Aaditya belonged to very rich family. Aaditya had friends who were also rich and of high class society. It was the first time Aaditya and Purav has spoken to each other inspite of being in the same class.  Before this, Aaditya never gave him a friendly look also.

When the examination got over Aaditya quickly came to Purav and did a handshake and thanked him once again. From that very day, Aaditya and Purav became very good friends. After school , they went to college together . Purav got a good scholorship for the college, so he could afford to get education in good college.

Now ten years gone after the college both Aaditya and Purav are working in good and reputed organizations . And their friendship has just grown over the years passed. Both of them credit their friendship to that half pencil, and cherish the beautiful childhood moments spent together.